The personal data administrator is Hotel Edison Sp. z o.o. in Baranowo, located at 60 Wypoczynkowa Street, 62-081 Przeźmierowo.
Guests’ personal data are processed based on the contract between the guest and the hotel for the provision of hotel services. The purpose of processing personal data is to provide hotel services or other similar services requested by the guest. Additionally, guests’ personal data may be processed by the video monitoring system used at the hotel. The purpose of using video monitoring is to protect the safety of guests and other individuals on or near the hotel premises.
If the guest provides personal data relating to preferences for their stay or the services they use, the hotel may process this data to improve the quality of services provided by the hotel or to ensure guest comfort. The legal basis for processing personal data for the purposes stated above is the legitimate interest of the hotel (Article 6(1)(f) of GDPR).
The hotel informs that providing personal data to the extent necessary for guest identification is a contractual and legal requirement (for documenting sales made to the guest with a VAT invoice). Failure to provide personal data makes it impossible to enter into a contract with the hotel and issue a VAT invoice.
The hotel informs that every guest has the right to access their personal data, as well as to correct and update it. Guests also have the right to data portability, to object to processing, to restrict processing, and to request the deletion of personal data if there are legal grounds for doing so.
The hotel informs that the guest’s personal data will be stored for the entire duration of the hotel service, and for the statute of limitations period for any claims, including tax and civil claims. However, personal data processed by the video monitoring system will be stored for 14 days.
The guest’s personal data will not be subject to automated decision-making, including profiling.
The hotel informs that the guest’s personal data may only be shared based on applicable law.
The hotel informs about the right to file a complaint with the regulatory authority overseeing personal data processing, which is the Office for Personal Data Protection in Warsaw, located at 2 Stawki Street.
For exercising your rights or addressing other issues related to the processing of your personal data by the hotel, please contact us at the following email address: [email protected].